Wargames Python

class interact.Process

An class to facilitate interaction with the Wargames process. Creating an instance will connect with the process’s stdin and stdout


Ensures any data written so far is sent. Blocks until the next time the process reads. Multiple flushes in a row without sends between act as a single flush.


Hookup stdin and stdout to the python terminal, allowing user interaction again.

Hit ^C during this to break in the debugger (Only works if program is currently waiting for input)


If debugging, sends a SIGINT to the debugger. This is useful for breaking out of your script into the debugger. NOTE: Only works if program is currently reading input


Alias of recv()


Keep reading from the process’s stdout until the string needle is found in the output.

Returns everything that it read.


Read numberOfBytes bytes from the process’s stdout, and returns them as a string.

recv may return less data than expected if data is flushed to it.


Send data to the process’s stdin

sendafter(needle, to_send)

Keep reading from the process’s stdout until the string needle is found in the output.

After it is found, send to_send to the process’s stdin

Returns everything that it read.


Send data to the attached process’s stdin followed by a newline

sendlineafter(needle, to_send)

Keep reading from the process’s stdout until the string needle is found in the output.

After it is found, send to_send to the process’s stdin followed by a newline

Returns everything that it read.


Alias of send()

Indices and tables